This very special bonus episode was with 3 of 4 of the organizers behind, Woolwide Adventures. To find out more about how you can participate in Woolwide Adventures (through April 30) and how to find out more about each of these individuals and their incredible solo ventures, please check out the links below! 

Wool Wide Adventures:

Morehouse Farms - Erin Pirro

106 Meters From the Road - Irene Waggener

Devious Knitter - Amy Snell

I Thought I Knew How Podcast - Anne Frost

Other Links

Online International Fiber Festival (Founded & run by Anne Frost from I Thought I Knew How Podcast) This festival begins the day after Woolwide Adventures ends, so you can keep exploring!

@oifiberfest on IG

Wanderly Sock pattern by Amy Snell/kit by Morehouse Farm


s1e4 - Zeilinger Wool Co.


s1e3 - Knitdraper