S2E3 - Hannah Thiessen
Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred

S2E3 - Hannah Thiessen

A conversation with artist and author, Hannah Thiessen. We catch up with Hannah on all the strides she has taken in her career as a fiber artist, where it has led her most recently, and where she reminds us to be contented, not content in our creative endeavors.

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S2E2 - Laverne benton of Bzypeach
Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred

S2E2 - Laverne benton of Bzypeach

Laverne Benton of BzyPeach chats with us about the importance of community, her love of cellulose based yarns, how crochet is having a moment, and we geeked out about organizational tools a bit too!

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Bonus episode: woolwide adventures
wooltrek, woolwideadventures, fiberworld, mill, farm, knitting, traditon, travel Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred wooltrek, woolwideadventures, fiberworld, mill, farm, knitting, traditon, travel Emily Wohlscheid Kat Eldred

Bonus episode: woolwide adventures

Erin Pirro (Morehouse Farms), Amy Snell (Devious Knitter), and Anne Frost (the I thought I Knew How Podcast) talk about their respective fiber ventures, how they came together with their 4th member Irene Waggoner (106 Meters from the Road). Irene was unable to make it but it felt almost like she was there because of the enthusiasm all of these women had for their colleague's work. Woolwide Adventures combines a love of travel, tradition, technique, education, art, and culture for a 2 month long virtual experience. Enjoy!!!

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